Bespoke Fine Art

Business First Associates

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Exciting new developments - Watch This Space!

Please Note: BFA Gallery is in the process of transferring and updating the Collections. If there is anything in particular you are looking for then please contact directly.

Otherwise - Please see the alternative sites and galleries including a range of Print to Order products via the BFAHub and Big Fat Arts Collections - available as Open Editions or Fine Art Gallery Editions:

Saatchi Artist: Czar Catstick Fine Art Editions

Saatchi Artist: Jack Smith Fine Art Editions

RedBubble: Lowbrow Pop Art Collection via Fine Art America Collection via

Society6: Fabrics, Clothing, Homewares, Art Prints & Gifts

Czar Catstick & The Emperor’s New Clothes Collective

BFA Hub Artist Czar Catstick works as part of The Emperor’s New Clothes Collective and is a Photographer, Designer, Fine Art Printmaker and New Media Artist.

“Not so much a one- trick pony, more a multi-faceted mule.”

Born in Lancashire and dragged up in Yorkshire. Art-School in York, North Yorkshire, UK (Art & Design Foundation) and Nottingham (Photography Degree Course), Czar approaches the Art World from a background of Film and Television Post-Production, Editing, Graphics and Special Effects.

“I enjoy using references to well known Art & Artists (sometimes hidden) to pay homage to the people I admire”.

Subject matter has changed over the years, referencing much 20th Century work and movements including Cubism, Pop Art, The Bauhaus School The Young British Artists from the 80s with Pointillism, Surreal and Dada references.

"I have recently been experimenting with patterns and fabric design which has been a pretty much all-consuming interest."

Included in the Saatchi 'Art We Love' Blog (A Few Painting Techniques Artists Use)

Retrospective exhibition was planned for last year (2020)... obviously did’t happen due to Covid19-84.. although lots of 'lockdown' artworks in the pipeline... and most of my work can still be bought online.

​CZAR CATSTICK - Never Knowingly Understood